Are your energy bills skyrocketing out of control due to your enormous utility bills you receive each and every month? if you're like many business owners you have a warehouse that you have to manage and that you have to manage well. You are likely responsible for all aspects of production, expenses, and any and all ideas to reduce costs. coming up with ideas to save money can be a daunting task especially in a slow economy. There is one bill however that you can drastically reduce with the use of a very simple device.
That device is an industrial warehouse divider which separates your used production space from your unused production space. These dividers are becoming very popular as many manufacturing and warehouses are reducing their capacity which leaves large areas of floor space that are un-used. This unused floor space then becomes nothing more than a drain on the resources of the company.
It is best to think of a warehouse in terms of used space in a un-used space. The used space is where your workers are located or equipment which is being used to produce goods or services. The unused space of your warehouse is where there once was production but no longer. This unused space is drawing massive amounts of heat in the winter and cold air in the summer. And as we all know, heating and cooling is not inexpensive, in fact, you could be losing thousands if not hundreds of thousand dollars a year for larger warehouses by heating these empty areas.
There is a solution though, and it is relatively inexpensive in terms of ROI. With the use of a warehouse divider curtain you can separate the cold air from the warm air. That is to say, that you'll only be keeping the environment where people are located at a comfortable temperature rather than the entire facility. By doing this, you are going to be saving a lot of money which would otherwise go directly to the utility company.
These dividers are constructed out of vinyl and can include such things as doorways, see-through windows, company logos, and a host of other features. They can be installed as quickly as one day and often times do not even require an installation company. They are quick to deploy in the winter or summer and they are quick to remove when they are no longer needed as a result of increased production needs.
If you would like more information on how to deploy a warehouse divider you can visit us at: Akon - Curtains and Dividers