
Gynecomastia - The Psychological and Emotional Effects of It

A firm manly chest is a desired physical attribute in a masculine body. When a male ends up with womanly breasts, it can be a devastating self esteem crusher. This condition's name is derived from the Greek words "gyne and mastos" translating to "woman's breasts". It is medically known as the condition of gynecomastia.

Causes of this include genetics, puberty, steroid use, obesity, tumors, castration, medication complications, hormonal disorders and even marijuana use.

Whatever the cause, the emotional ramifications can be painful, causing embarrassment and shame. It can even make a male doubt his manhood and give him an inferiority complex.

Depression and anxiety often is a side effect of this unfortunate physical condition. Insomnia, feelings of helplessness, deep sadness and an inability to concentrate can occur.

It's common for boys entering puberty to exhibit largeness in the breast area due to changing hormones and bodily structures. As the boys continue to mature, the full breasts disappear and transforms into a traditional adult male chest.

Diet and exercise can alleviate gynecomastia if it is due to overweight and a flabby body. Obesity is a known culprit in causing womanly breasts on a male body. A low fat and healthy diet combined with both aerobic exercise and weight lifting can sculpt the body back into a tauter shape.

Steroids are often used to enhance athletic ability but have unfortunate side effects as well. Not only are steroids considered drug abuse but they can cause the eruption of what has been dubbed "man boobs". The obvious cure for this problem is to stop taking the steroids.

If a prescription medication is to blame, a physician may be able to offer an alternate medication. If hormones are out of balance, adjusting the hormones via drug therapy can help in some cases. In others cases, surgery will be necessary for correction. A male breast reduction procedure would be performed by a cosmetic surgeon in an outpatient facility under anesthesia. Excess fatty tissue and skin would be removed and the area sutured closed into a tighter chest region. A compression garment will be needed to support the area as it heals.

Often the psychological issues clear up with the successful completion of the surgery. Once the chest appears manly again, the patient usually regains his confidence. If this has been a long term and ongoing condition, the self esteem may be damaged to the extent that the patient will need psychological counseling to regain his masculine sense of self.

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