
CNC Precision Machining

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Precision Machining is the process of removing material to a very high tolerance from components. The tolerance held varies all of the time and it is really down to the machinery being used but most machinery that is computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) will have absolutely no problem at all holding tolerances of 0.002"- 0.005mm. Precision Machining contains a number of sub categories and is actually the name for a number of different processes; it can include processes like Turning, Milling and Jig Boring. It is not limited to these three though and can also include process like Water Cutting and Laser Cutting.

Items that are created using Precision Machining can be found everyday in normal items like electric motors, car engines and even in clocks. Different countries have different reputations for the quality of their precision engineering... England and Japan do not actually have as good a reputation for engineering as countries like German and Switzerland where the standards have always been very high and still continue to be today.

Precision Machines usually use cutters that are HSS, tungsten Carbide or Cobalt and are classed as Solid Cutters. Some machines use water cutters which use very high pressured water to cut and are extremely accurate; this method is often used to cut spanners out of steel plate. Another method of cutting is the use of Lasers which use a beam to erode the surface of the material; these are one of the most accurate types of Precision Machines but also the more expensive.

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