The food that we feed horses must meet seven basic requirements. Five of these are:
Energy. There must be enough energy (calories) to meet the needs of the horse. If the weather is colder and the horse should be more actively used, the amount of food will be increased accordingly. Just as winter turns into summer, or if the horse is less active, the amount of food should be reduced.
Minerals andVitamins. In addition to the energy needs for the supply of horse feed to a variety of essential minerals and vitamins in the quantities required.
Bulk and fiber. The digestive system of horses to grass that is rich in fiber and bulk process. Food concentrates (wheat for example), can provide the necessary energy and minerals, but lacks the mass that the needs of the digestive system that greatly increases the risk of stomach ulcers and other diseases. Equestrian Studiesa diet rich in grain or other concentrated feed shows that 50% to 90% of these horses have ulcers.
Digestibility. Food is digested limited nutritional value and can not see well), severe disease (eg, colic impact. This is a particular problem for horses, where tooth wear reduces its ability to chew food and aging is the ability to digest certain foods to be reduced. V. 'Feeding Senior Horses "below. In addition, eating horsesinappropriate terms (such as straw), they provide no nutritional problems, but also causes difficulty in digestion due.
Security. Nearly all the food, fashion, made in quantity or wrong questions can cause health effects. to avoid a list of common errors is given below.
In order to understand the other two essential requirements, it helps to first understand the normal diet of horses. The horses have developed as a helicopter, which means thateating for a while 'time in one place, in search of better food (such as nutrient or delicate) and eat elsewhere. We often see this behavior when the horse in a large pasture, where they often move from one place to another. The reason for this is that it develops in a landscape where the quality of the food was variable (as opposed to pasture largely uniform, we have in our pastures against), so they spend most of their time moving and eating, it is necessary to18 hours a day. This study was conducted in two dietary needs:
continuous suction. Even if a horse ever eaten (for example, spends most of his time moving up and other activities), you must eat often. There is a minimum of 2-3 meals a day for his digestion to keep healthy, eat more often is preferable. Many small meals are better than fewer large meals. This is one reason that horses graze on pasture during the dayGenerally healthier than horses, their food (eg hay, or grain) that have or once or twice a day.
Stimulation. A horse and most important stimulus is the search for food and eating (forager activity typical). Limit the short and infrequent feedings will result in a horse developing bored and unhappy, probably stress-related behaviors such as copying or repetitive movements.
Grass and hay
Grass is'natural feed for horses, as it is, what to eat. In general, horses tend to a more healthy diet that consists mainly of grass than any other kind of food.
Hay is the second most common natural food, as it is very similar to 'dry grass that could not be found, after a hot summer and dry winter or dry grass. And 'less nutritious than fresh grass, hay of good quality, but very useful when there is not enough grass.
There are a large numberfatalities can be found in some poisonous weed of pastures. Depending on the type of plant eaten and the size, the result can be anything from a minor. Some plants can also damage the skin or hooves when the horse or walking around on it. Therefore, before the horse in a pasture, a competent person should check the candy for toxic weeds. Viewed as a couple of weeks, especially in spring and one in particularSummer is a thorough walk through the pasture, at least twice a year to check for suspicious plants recommended.
With the hay, we face the same problems with poisonous plants when the hay is made from grazing poisonous plants. In reality, the situation is potentially dangerous to the hay, as many of the horses instinctively avoid toxic plants when it is in a pasture, but when mixed with dried hay and horses no longer visible and to avoid the situationbecause they lost their smell and appearance. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that the hay is used only by a grazing or hay that is safe, which comes from a trusted source.
The great danger is that with the founder of grass grass excessively rich in carbohydrates (such as spring grass) or nitrates (eg, fertilized field) or can laminitis. See the link above for more information on how to avoid this. Exceedingly rich in hay,hay same risk, but as in a time of year when the grass is of course made it less rich, which is much less likely.
Another consideration is the quality of hay. It can cause mold or fungus harmful if not cut properly dried before it is wet, either before or after saving, or plastic bags was stored bales, mildew or fungus should have all thrown in. if necessary, however. Hay can also dust from easy to very dustydusty, were taken according to the terrain and weather at the time was just like the way it was cut / rotation / bales. Very dusty hay should not be used in horses as it can cause respiratory problems. A bit 'dusty hay is good, except for horses that are sensitive to dust. You can take the hay, in order to remove dust, but in this case, we clean the hay not consumed every day of wet hay from the stop to go. An advantage of the commercial feed hay is thatBasically it is unlikely that dust, mold or fungi (which does not allow the wet due to improper storage) have.
Hay cubes or bricks
Hay cubes (also known as hay bricks), the hay was cut and then compressed in the form of bricks. This is a convenient storage of hay, as it consumes less space and can easily form the individual sections. It tends to be more expensive than bales of hay and horses with dental problems can now finddifficult to chew. There have been reports of horses with hay bricks set accelerator, but this is rare. These differences aside, has much the same advantages and disadvantages as normal bales of hay (see above).
Hay Pellet
Hay hay pellets effectively set up, the heat of the soil processed into pellets. It 's more expensive than hay (in part due to additional processing), but it is also cheaper and consumes about one third ofspace as an average density of bales of hay. As the hay pellets are effective in a different form, has more or less the same nutritional value to add other than those of brands such as vitamins or minerals.
The pellets can be consumed faster than hay in the same format, so offer something less employment and stimulation of untreated hay. They also tend to break more quickly in the digestive system, then a bit value 'less to offer in terms of receiving gastric acidand protect against ulcers.
A common problem with pellets is that many horses will try it without first properly chew, to swallow what the horses choking. If your horse is, you have to soak the pellets in water for 10 minutes or choke So before you feed the horse, which causes the pellets to break into a thick mixture that horses can not. The advantages and disadvantages of drinking are:
Choke. Prevents pellet soakedthe horse from choking on them.
Water absorption. This is a great way to increase your horse's absorption of water, such as horses always enough not to drink. In particular, the older horses to drink sometimes not enough (although there are some diseases that have the opposite effect), and horses carrying drink often not enough.
Winter Warming. In winter, the horses are beautiful (especially the old, sick or shaving horse). If pelletssoaked in warm water (not hot!) who can help to heat up, especially with regard to drink cold water from a bucket or unheated outside drinkers.
Mess. Unfortunately, many horses raise their heads away from their feed bucket while eating, and in case of pellet of wet hay on the floor this can lead to a good piece on the fall. Also, if they throw their heads while you eat (for example, when startled by a noise), tends to cause the haySoup splashed on the walls. All this mess should be cleaned to prevent the growth of mold or fungus. Alternatively, you can do to feed them a bucket outside.
Cereals and cereal
Cereals and when they bought in the form of commercial horse feeds are high energy foods that are easy to digest. Musli is made from a choice of crushed grains, vitamins and minerals were added, and sugars, fiber and filler.
Alternative to purchasingcommercial horse feed is to buy the cereal itself, have a feed you can individually or combined in order. In this case you will probably need to buy a grain mill and put the grain through the mill first feeding of horses. The reason for this is that crushed wheat is a big part of the horse, how many will pass through undigested grains as whole grains (not chewed) and pit easily through the digestive system. Mostmedium-sized teams use this approach because it reduces the cost of feed grains from 50% to 75% compared to commercial feed sacks compared. Sure, it takes a little more 'time and is therefore less suitable for the commercial feed, and you have to invest in the mill (a few hundred dollars).
Although a lot of wheat and other grains seems expensive than the same amount of hay, the grain is much higher in energy, so that the quantity of wheat for a daily intake of energy horseneed much less than the amount of hay. Consequently, depending on local prices, are significantly cheaper than hay. Many brands of granola added sugar (eg in the form of molasses or sugar beet pulp) have further increases the amount of energy.
These products are used for sport horses, fueled not only for providing a quick energy boost, but also because they are in a much trimmer. Hay and grass are not only cumbersome in itself, but also as a resultadditional mass in terms of gas and food digestion in various stages of digestion and elimination. Consequently, activities such as running or jumping, horse racing diet, usually high in grains and cereals.
As the above discussion, the benefits of this type of cost-saving potential of food and a streamlined hull for the competition. Also benefit the horses are old, sick or malnourished, their normal diet supplemented withthese high-energy foods, especially in winter when more energy to keep warm.
Given these advantages, there are a number of disadvantages. These energy-rich foods do not provide the mass, fiber or mental stimulation of horses necessary. If the food to supplement the traditional diet of hay and straw to be fed, this is not a problem. However, if these foods for the mass of the horse's diet, lack of volume and fiber digestion may cause differentProblems (ulcers are common in these cases) and lack of stimulation can) lead to stress and the development of undesirable habits (such as copying or repetitive movements.
You should also note that if these foods are high in energy are supplied in excess, can overload of carbohydrates, so the serious illness of laminitis. Why do some horses are more sensitive than others, history or race type, you should consult with your veterinarianbefore supplying large quantities. If your horse's current diet is already rich (for example, spring grass), then you should take professional advice before supplementing it with a grain products or cereals.
Mash is similar to cereals, which has a high energy food made from corn mash, even if an energy greater than that of cereals tend to be. A major difference between the two is that the grain is put in water, where it decomposes to form are impregnateda porridge or soup. E 'often the horses as a supplement for the elderly or sick people, especially in warm weather, when there is water!) Can be done with warm (not hot chilled heat horses help. Another advantage is that the absorption water with the horse (as opposed to dry food), which is an advantage for horses that do not drink enough (a common problem in older horses).
Unfortunately, many horses raise their heads away from their feed bucket while eating, and in the case of mashThis can lead piece on the fall on the floor well. Also, if they throw their heads while you eat (for example, when startled by a noise), tends to work in must be sprayed on the walls. All this mess should be cleaned to prevent the growth of mold or fungus. Alternatively, you can do to feed them a bucket outside.
There are advantages and disadvantages of high energy prices, food, see the discussion above on cereals and for an explanationthem.
Feed changes
As discussed above the main types of horse feed. Each of these types has a number of sub-types. For example:
Grass. There are different types and qualities of grass. Also, depending on the pasture, there is varying amounts of other herbs (like clover). In addition, the nutritional value of soil composition, and the amount of sun and rain to be affected. Therefore, some distant pasturesmore nutritious than others, which is not always an advantage, because it is too rich pasture can cause founder.
Hay. The prairie varied diet, including hay that is produced from it. In addition, various hay, as it is done (for example, as it dried, how long the box before pressing the left) and how it is stored (temperature, humidity, solar radiation) and how long you can never save.
Grain. There are many different types ofCereals, which vary in their nutritional value. Depending on the nature and proportions of the different grains that directly or in the form of cereals or porridge, that foods have different nutritional profiles. In addition, the nutritional values will be affected by the addition of non-cereal food additives such as minerals, additives, fibers, fillers, sugar in various forms.
In particular, there are many different types of cereals, wheat and different mixtures of additives usedRSS feeds on certain types of horses intended to produce. For example, a granola to find the products, the optimal mix for the use of a credit: (old) horses, foals, pregnant, lactating mares, mares horse racing, entertainment and Senior competition (and a shiny coat and attractive), complete feed (certainly not as a side dish, as the only food) and so on. These special foods vary in the ratio of macro nutrients (such as parts of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, simpleCarbohydrates), the types and quantities of micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and the source (eg, fibers from sugar beet is to facilitate different properties than fiber of alfalfa in terms of speed and digestion ).
Unfortunately, different manufacturers have different and conflicting views on what these special requirements. For example, food from a senior producer to use than normal levels of sugar as an easily digestible source of energyHorses with reduced digestive capacity, while food use by another senior producer less than normal levels of sugar on the problems of Cushing's disease and insulin resistance, which are more common in older horses avoided. In view of these conflicting and contradictory approaches, it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a specialty food is actually better or worse for your horse. E 'therefore recommended, with a veterinarian to discuss your individual condition of the horse andRequirements before deciding which of the special food that is best for your particular horse.
Fruits and vegetables
Although large quantities of fruit or vegetable is not a natural diet for a horse, small amounts are suitable as a party. Before that power should be cut into small irregular pieces, such as round pieces (eg, an entire small apple) can be stuck in the throat and cause choking.
acceptable fruits are: apples, bananas. (Peeled), includes pears acceptable vegetables: beets, carrots, celery, parsnips, turnips, and turnips.
Do not feed onions, potatoes, rhubarb, tomatoes. Do not feed the fruit acid. Beware of large quantities of fruit as sweet as sugar can cause an imbalance Be a weight gain, blood sugar, or laminitis. If fruits or vegetables are not acceptable in the list, do not feed your horse, without first consulting a veterinarian.
Concluding remarks
We recommendconsistent in what you feed your horse. If you are sure that with your horse and not the travel you get in a position, the same type of food during the trip, try to take enough of his food to feed him until you meet again, or agreements for its normal food during the time of escape.
If you need to change the diet of your horse, you should do so slowly. Similarly, if you get a new horse to design and modify her diet, it is appropriate, can make a lot of his old food, soGradually the change. When you change the diet of a horse, you must carefully monitor his behavior and activities to ensure that there are negative (eg, colic, laminitis, food allergies).
Determine the best diet for your horse is an important and serious, especially if it is weak (old, young, sick, dental problems), or have weight problems (over or under) or a food that the medical history (colic , laminitis, allergies, insulin resistance, etc.). E 'shouldDevelopment of a diet with a veterinarian or a professional knowledge equivalent to the specific needs of your individual horse and the intended use. A diet that is as natural as possible (eg grass) are usually healthier for the horse, unless you have specific requirements for other types of food.
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