Do you feel like you have no motivation to lose weight even though you have a strong desire to get the weight off? It is common for people to search for motivation and never find it because they are simply looking in the wrong place. True motivation is actually right at your finger tips you simply have to understand how to pull it up so you can use it and when you do your weight loss catches fire.
No Motivation To Lose Weight
1. Problem #1 - Focusing on the negatives. A huge motivation crusher is focusing on all the things you hate about losing weight. If you hate dieting or exercising and you dwell on these facts you will never get started. Instead point your focus toward the positive by keeping your mind locked on how great your body will look and feel as you eat better and lose the weight.
2. Problem #2 - Making too small of changes. If the changes to your lifestyle are too small (i.e. just changing how much water you drink) your results will come very slow and this will leave you feeling like the changes are not worth the effort. However if you make larger changes then you will see results quickly and even though they might be challenging the results will feel worth the effort.
3. Problem #3 - Going it alone. You can get to a point on your own but you will find it much easier to stay motivated when you have a supportive group surrounding you. Go online and find a weight loss buddy or ask a friend to work with you. You will find that you navigate challenges much easier.
4. Problem #4 - Not knowing what you really want. Make sure you take the time to clearly define what you are aiming for. Do not set your goal in a vague way, "I want to lose weight." Instead make it crystal clear, "I want to lose 10 pounds by June 25th." Having a defined goal stirs your motivation.
If you currently have no motivation to lose weight yet you want to get yourself started then use these tips and reap the rewards.