Aluminum is used for thousands of years. Today you can find applications in a wide spectrum, with one of the most common applications in preserves and beverages. Since the consumption of canned food is so widespread, it has managed recycling metal cans is an integral part of the minimization of waste and unnecessary space in landfills. The best part is that aluminum can be indefinitely to sustain an ongoing basis.
In addition to avoiding the waste of space in landfills, with aluminum cans, recyclingAluminum is also a saving of energy, which is also good for the environment. energy saving is pretty amazing. It takes only five percent of the energy needed to make aluminum from scratch. This is because more new aluminum cans requires a lot of energy to convert alumina into aluminum.
Besides the environmental reasons for recycling aluminum cans, have a financial incentive to do so. Even if you take into account the costs of collection, separation andaluminum can recycling, it is much cheaper than making new aluminum cans.
History aluminum recycling
Believe it or not, aluminum can recycling is not a very new procedure. The recycling of aluminum from 20 first century. In 1904, the first aluminum recycling facilities in Chicago and New York. Recycling also played an important role in supporting the Allied Forces during the Second World war. Today plays an important rolein our aluminum production. According to 2008 statistics, is about 31 percent of all aluminum, which is located in the United States from recycled scrap.
Because aluminum is recycled
Here is an abridged version of how aluminum is recycled, if you arrive at the recycling center:
First, a treatment plant will filter aluminum from other materials. The method uses eddy current, electric current, which allows you to separate aluminum from other materials. L 'Aluminum is then cut into small pieces for the same volume, to minimize it easier for the machines to separate the different brands. Subsequently, the pieces are cleaned and put into large blocks to minimize oxidation. The aluminum blocks are loaded into a furnace heated to about 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit were in a molten mass. Slag, solid impurities, which is mobile on the molten metal is then removed from the metal. Sampled and analyzed.
The future ofRecycling
The future looks bright for the recycling of aluminum. Industry estimates recovery rates are expected to grow by 75 percent over the next 10 years. The growth of recycling has increased from 13.7 million tons in 2003 (the metric equivalent of about 30.2 billion pounds) to about 19.4 million tons in 2009 (about 42.7 billion pounds).
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