2.plastic consider shredding machine after the installation of fasteners security departmentsto make matters worse, if it melted. At the same time, to determine the suitability of the transmitter.
Machine mill first started 3.plastic the rotor by hand, check with the hammer and the rotor teeth is a flexible and reliable operation, internal broken, if the collision, the rotation of the rotor in accordance with the machine direction of the arrow , the machine power and lubrication of plastic crusher is good.
4.Plastic mill rolls, the machine should not be substituted foravoid excessive speed has led to the crushing chamber produce an explosion or the low-speed impact mill efficiency.
Shredding machine 5.plastic must be maintained after the job after the launch of its first 2 ~ 3 minutes of inactivity, no abnormal diet.
6 work and pay attention to the operation of the mill plastic, in particular power should be uniform to avoid the block of space junk, second, not long reworked. If there is vibration, noise, storage and body temperature is too high, theout of the spray material phenomena should immediately stop the inspection, troubleshooting, before continuing to work. Machine mill will be asked to select one for your car, it's more effective at the same time, maintain a good car, is the icing on the cake for you. So we must not only help you choose a real machine, but also remember the love that we carefully select Haohai De-car!
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